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Maple grove pest control

Located in Coaticook, E.D&R is the company to contact for anti-epidemiological control of your maple tree grove.

Quick quote at 819-578-4762

A turnkey service for maple tree pest control

Maple grove pest control is essential for maintaining tree health, by preventing defoliating caterpillar infestations. These infestations can affect both the quality and quantity of maple syrup produced.

Our company is qualified to carry out control and anti-epidemiological treatment in maple groves of all sizes. Send us your requests today ! At the end of our work, we'll issue professional certificates indicating that the maple trees on your farm are now protected and in good health.

Preserve the quality and quantity of maple syrup you produce in Coaticook with our anti-epidemiological treatment service

Maple grove control Coaticook
What we offer
  • Sale of maple syrup equipment
  • - Installation of tubing
  • - Sugar shack equipment installation
  • - Tapping service
  • - Maple trees anti-epidemiological control
  • Maple syrup equipment repairs
Our advantages
  • Wide variety of major-brand equipment
  • - Complete, high-quality service
  • - Skilled technicians
Area serviced
  • Coaticook

Anti-epidemiological control: a responsible approach to protecting your Coaticook maple grove

At E.D&R, preserving the environment and your maple trees is our top priority. That's why we use only natural and organic treatment products.

In addition, monitoring and treatments are carried out at the most opportune times to optimize results. To keep your operation running smoothly, we can also install sugar shack equipment, tap maple trees and repair maple syrup machinery.

We treat maple trees with natural and organic products

Maple grove control Coaticook